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Let's build a hospital in rural Senegal

There is an urgent need to improve Senegal’s infrastructure to promote a healthy, decent living environment in rural areas.

With your support you can contribute to a sustainable develpment for the people in Taiba Niassène.

a project initiated by

Mouhamadou Mahy Cissé

Founder and director of the NGO Alfityanu Humanitaire International.

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€ Raised

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Why build the hospital ?

infant mortality

help to reduce further infant mortality in rural areas

skilled personal
1 %

help to increase the % of Births attended by skilled health personnel

postnatal checkup
1 %

help to improve postnatal checkup within the first two days

about the project

A health center designed to be sustainable.

The project follows the principles to use affordable, regional and low impact materials. We put the well-being of people and the sustainability of the environment first. The health center targetsEnergy efficiency and reducing consumption and waste of resources by using renewable energies and waste management on-site.