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Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom.

Harriette Hartigan

A health center that helps to save lifes.

Alfityanu Humanitaire International (AHI) plans to build a health center in the municipality of Taïba Niassène located in the department of Nioro du Rip, region of Kaolack (Senegal).
This project aims to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in rural areas of Senegal in order to drastically reduce maternal and infant mortality. The people of the locality of Taïba and the surrounding villages will thus be able to benefit from a better access to care.

Who we are

ALFITYANU HUMANITAIRE INTERNATIONAL  is a network of several NGOs. We are active in 9 countries and 3 continents. We contribute to the SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda by mobilizing financial resources from various sources for countries of the global south.

Poverty and inequality of opportunities

We fight against the extreme poverty and inequality of opportunities.


We help ensuring poor and vulnerable people to have access to quality education.

social and economic participation

We fight for equal participation to social, cultural and economic life by making a useful contribution in these areas.

The Project

initiated by

Mouhamadou Mahy Cissé

Founder and director of the NGO Alfityanu Humanitaire International in Dakar, Sénégal.

The health center's future services:


500 m²

5 wards with a total capacity of 16 beds and consultation rooms.


280 m²

pediatric ward with 2 consultation rooms


175 m²

Labaratory, consultation rooms, storage rooms

Site plan showing the different parts and services of the health center


5 wards

with a total capacity of 16 beds including usual funtions such as reception area, nurses room, sitting area, consultant room, doctor office, cleaning room, delivery room, patient rest room, medical store

delivery room

a fully equipped delivery room

examination rooms

examination rooms with a ultra-sound unit for pre- and postnatal consultations



2 consultation rooms with offices and reception area

observation rooms

2 observation rooms

multiple usage room

a room for training, gathering and official receptions

Key figures

gross floor surface
construction costs
0 k €
costs for equipment
0 k €